Understanding your customers demographics with just a mailing address.

You can save hundreds of hours from customer profile extraction for targeting, segmentation, and advertising for your business with our NextGen Census-based marketing intelligence solution.

No credit card required.

Do you have a list of customers to target ?

We're built for growing businesses, marketing, and advertising experts.
Ease the pain to fill up and analyze customer demographics for marketing activities to archive a high success rate.

Do you want to understanding your customers in few hours ?

With our own machine learning algorithm and census data plus your customer’s addresses,
you can save hundreds of hours on data collection and analyze for your next marketing action.

We have tools to Success.

Pre-Survey Filler

Pre-Survey Filler

We fill the demographics for almost 100% of your customer list within a few hours. Save a lot of time and effort for your next action.

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Social Ads Saver

Social Ads Saver

We recommend look-alike audience filters for ads purchasing based on your existing customers. Instantly improve your conversion rate and savings on budget.

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Machine Learning Segmentation

Machine Learning Segmentation

No more guessing. Our technology goes through every possible combination to search for common groups. You just need to prepare the messages they like.

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more tools available soon

Result in 2 Steps.


Upload a list of postal code or address


Chill for awhile and come back for actionable intelligence

Our system will analyse it with Open Sourced Census Big Data

Revolutionary marketing intelligence solution
that you've never imagine

They unleash the potential of customer database with targeta.

Dig deep your database now.

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